
Small Dents

Small dents are the most common type of damage we repair with paintless dent removal. These dents can be from car doors opening onto yours, shopping trolley dings or someone knocking something into your vehicle.

These dents are typically repaired within an hour. Although these dents might seem simple they can often be difficult to gain access to the back of the dent. This would be the case when strengthening braces are covering the back of the panel. In these circumstances we will use specialist hot glue pulling equipment to ease the dent out from the outer surface.

The sides of your vehicle will be most vulnerable to these types of dents but they can occur anywhere.

You may want to use our services if you own your own car, whether it is a daily use vehicle or even a classic car. Or perhaps you have a lease vehicle or a car on a PCP contract that will be returned soon. Get in touch if you have any dents or creases on your vehicle that we can help with, before returning them and getting costly bills.

You may even run a small fleet of cars and don’t have your own bodyshop – we are an ideal option to keep your vehicles in tiptop condition.

Get in touch

Working throughout East Sussex, we offer our paintless dent removal service. Please get in touch today to find out more.

You can get in touch with us via Whatsapp on 07802 751921; or fill in the contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Dent Medic PDR East Sussex

Paintless Dent Removal is a method used to remove dents and damage on your vehicle.